is a sequel to ‘How to Saddle a Unicorn’ co-authored with Dosym Satpayev in English.
The Last Frontier:
Tech Nomads of the Steppes
Take a journey through time and space in Central Asia
a region that was once the heart of the Silk Road and is now becoming an important player in today's world of innovation and technology.
The book will introduce readers to the rich history and culture of our region, revealing how ancient traditions and multiculturalism influence modern entrepreneurship, science and education. Success stories of modern technology start-ups, environmental initiatives and educational breakthroughs will be revealed.
rich history and culture of our region
Through the stories of opinion leaders, entrepreneurs and scientists, the book explores how Central Asia is using its unique heritage to create a new future, emphasizing the importance of global interaction, knowledge sharing and collaborative solutions to the world's problems.
The book, published in 2023, became a bestseller and gained popularity among the audience. It talked about the technological future of Kazakhstan.

This inspired MOST to create a sequel with Dosym Satpayev.
How to saddle a unicorn
of The Last Frontier: Tech Nomads of the Steppes is people interested in global trends in innovation, sustainable development and intercultural interaction, offering a unique perspective on a region that many still underestimate. The book will be published in English.
The target audience
show how modern nomads are overcoming geographical and cultural barriers, creating innovative technological solutions and influencing the world. Due to its unique subject matter and relevance, the book has the potential to become an Amazon bestseller!
The book aims to
We're looking for the heroes of the book
Tech Startups
Innovative companies
Media personalities
Do you know the right person?

Could it be you?
‘The Last Frontier: Tech Nomads of the Steppes’ draws attention to the Central Asian region, showing its potential and relevance in today's world. It is particularly relevant in the context of contemporary challenges such as climate change and economic instability.

Support the book and contribute to promoting the region, supporting innovation, sustainable development and global engagement.
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